"World NTDs Day" Special Light Up
January 30 is "World NTDs Day". The NTDs: Negrected Tropical Diseases (Negrected Tropical Diseases) of 20 disease groups (lymphobiosis, dengue fever, leprosy, chassis, scabies, scabies, Guineerine infection, African sleep parasites, soil, trachoma, necrocoma, etc., which are 1. In addition, the recent expansion of COVID-19 infection has had a serious impact on NTDs' efforts to control NTDs, including the postponement of mass medications and delays in clinical development of new drugs in areas where NTDs spread. On the second day, as part of a world-wide unified event, Tokyo Tower and other prominent buildings around the world were lit up in orange and purple, the symbol colors of this activity, to raise interest in NTDs. From the Sumida River Terrace in Kachidoki over Tsukiji Ohashi, you can see a glow with the message "Let's deliver the light of hope to about 1.7 billion people in the world suffering from NTDs!"