2021 Midsummer Ginza wig trees
As part of the landscape maintenance ahead of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2018, after being replanted in Sharinbai in 1968 and yew in 2004, Ginza street on the deciduous Takagi street that grows into a neat tree shape due to the aging of willow trees. At the beginning of the planting, it was a fine Wakagi, but three years have passed, and about 140 trees lined up from 1 to 8-chome have increased the vegetation of Oita, coloring the roadside landscape, creating shades of greenery, softening the summer sunshine, It brings moisture and peace, and the sound of leaves swaying in the wind is refreshing. The characteristic of the wig is a heart-shaped leaf with a rounded shape, but when you look up through the sun's light, it is particularly delicate and beautiful. In addition to the visual beauty that changes seasonally, from buds to fresh green, yellow leaves, and winter trees, the sweet scent like caramel released during the late autumn deciduous season also attracts the sense of smell. As for the etymology, there seems to be a theory such as 1 Kazu (Kaide) La's meaning, 2 auxiliary lines of the ending are incense, and tsubra (yen) abbreviation. Each street light on the street is decorated with banners using "Core Graphics" from the current Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games.