2021 Mid-Autumn Moon (15 Nights)
This year, September 21 marks the 15th of August in old calendar. "。 During this period, the moon rises at an angle suitable for just looking up in the clear and clear night sky, making it easy to spend seasonally, making it the best season to love the moon. Since the cycle of the phases of the moon is not constant, fifteen nights are not necessarily full, but this year you can enjoy the full moon for the first time in eight years. "Otsukimi" is said to have been established by the Heian nobles, which incorporate the custom of Chinese moon viewing, in which the Heian nobles celebrate the 15th night as a mid-autumn festival, and when the flow spread to the common people, it became integrated with a farming ritual that appreciates the fruits of autumn, gradually deepening and establishing the latter color. Toyomi Bridge is built at the mouth of the Nihonbashi River pours into the Sumida River. It is a steel-frame bridge named "Fee Ren Deal Bridge", which retains the old stud stop form in a simple design and has a sense of weight, but was repaired in 2019.·After the improvement work has been completed, it will be newly lit up at night, and the white of the Feren Deal Truss and the blue of the balustrade will shine. A round "moon" looks out from between the bridge steel frames. Kafu Nagai is "Shokutei Nijo", "The scenery overlooking Eitai Bridge and the lights of Sagachobe diagonally from between the Toyomi Bridge steel frames. It's a bit more interesting tonight than to get the light of the moon and see it on a white night. The full tide shines brilliantly with the moonlight, and the sound of the water hitting the shore of Hashimoto's stone wall or the connecting carrier is also quaint. "