2021 Tsukiji·"Fire-fired Shinto ritual"
Since the Edo period, Tsukiji Temple has attracted many worshipers as a symbol of eradication and disaster eradication, and also became the name of the Tsukiji Lion Festival in Reitaisai festival.·There is a special worship Shinto ritual where worshipers receive prayers, write wish on the wish wish and put it in a basket on the tongue of the ceiling large lion. One month's worth of "Wish Kushi" is held at the Lion Hall's monthly festival on the first day of the following month, and the address and name of all those who had delivered Shinto priesthood to the Lion, praying for your wish to be fulfilled, and then placed in a dedicated box. I hear that the stored "Wishkushi" is fired by a clean fire at the "Fire-fired Shinto ritual" held on the third Saturday of December every year, and is washed away by the sea. On December 18th, at 13:00, the fire-fired Shinto ritual was executed, and the grounds were filled with flames and smoke.