Tokyo Dumbo

Mulohon area Yokocho is new!

In the Nihonbashi area, COREDO Muromachi 1, 2, 3, terraces and Nihonbashi Mitsui Tower will be built, and large-scale redevelopment will continue in the future triggered by the underground capital high, but I think the traditional side streets are also attractive to the city of Nihonbashi.

The east and west are the street on the east side of Showa-dori to Chuo-dori (name?) From north to south, the main street along the Nihonbashi River (name?) The Mulohon area surrounded by Edo Sakura-dori St. is a valuable space where such attractive Yokocho remains.

In the Murohon area, Yokocho, which has a name associated with Seven Lucky Gods, is now being developed.

 Mulohon area Yokocho is new!

To the extent that Tokyo Dumbo confirmed, I was able to walk through Ebisu Yokocho, Vaisravana Yokocho, Daikokuten Yokocho and Benzaiten Yokocho a little further away.

In addition, I found six Mulohon buildings with numbers.

Ebisu Yokocho

Ebisu Yokocho Murohon Area Yokocho is new!

Speaking of Ebisu, you can imagine fishing a sea bream, but a picture of a sea bream is fitted on the pavement surface of black pebbles.

Animals associated with each god are hidden in each Yokocho.

In addition, Ebisu Yokocho received the Good Design Award 2020. The following is an overview.

A project that focuses on "landscape formation" and "community formation" with the aim of creating bustle in the Murohon area. "Ebisu Yokocho" was established as a symbol of the formation of the landscape, with the regeneration of alleys with roots in the Edo period. In addition, the Nihonbashi Mulohon Building, which attracts attractive road surface stores, aims to create a community where various people gather, improve the attractiveness of the region and achieve sustainable development.

Point of design

1.Creating a sustainable vibrancy mechanism based on the identity of the city in the Murohon area
2.Creating a landscape that develops and matures while harmonizing alley regeneration, which symbolizes the history of bustle, and the new and old streets.
3.Sustainable and developed community formation involving diverse people, including new and old local shopkeepers, residents, workers, and visitors.

Daikokuten Yokocho

Daikokuten Yokocho Murohon Area Yokocho is new!

Speaking of a great power, it's a rat.

Vaisravana Yokocho and Benzaiten Yokocho

Vaisravana Yokocho and Benzaiten Yokocho Murohon Area Yokocho are new!

Benten-sama was a snake, and Bishamon was a tiger picture.

There seems to be a theory that Bishamon's use is centipede, but if the centipede is hidden at your feet, you will be surprised.


Mulohonbir Mulohon Area Yokocho is new!

In parallel with the development of Yokocho, a building named "Murohon" is being promoted in various ways, such as renovation and new construction.

It is a lively area full of individuality, with long-established shops, new shops, and unusual shops. Please walk along Yokocho to find your favorite shop.