
"Tsurushi persimmon" The atmosphere of hometown is on Tsukishima Higashinaka-dori.

If you walk behind the alleys of Tsukishima, you will find "Tsurushi persimmon" on the second floor of the shop.

When I asked the landlady, I got a lot of oysters (of course Shibugaki), so I got them

It seems that he tried to hang it in memory of the past.

When I peeled and hung it, the atmosphere of the countryside and hometown came out somehow.


 "Tsurushi persimmon" The atmosphere of hometown is on Tsukishima Higashinaka-dori.


Many people walking in front of the store take a leisurely look at it.

Some people say they want it.

That's why. It's going to be gone soon. He was laughing and talking.


A landlady who looks good on Yuki Tsumugi's work clothes.

We also offer a little rest at Tsukishima.



 "Tsurushi persimmon" The atmosphere of hometown is on Tsukishima Higashinaka-dori.