Minami Takahashi and Tokufune Inari Shrine

A small shrine called "Tokufune Inari Shrine" is set up in Shinkawa, facing the Kamejima River and Minami Takahashi.

It is said that it was transferred to this area from the banks of the Sumida River in 1991 due to the bridge construction of Chuo-ohashi Bridge.

In the past, it is a shrine that has continued to watch the land of Shinkawa, despite many changes, such as the kimono fire, the Great Kanto Earthquake, and the war.

 Minami Takahashi and Tokufune Inari Shrine

It's a quiet place to rest.

Standing on the waterside, it has a unique atmosphere.

sacred object of worship is said to have been carved with the bow of the Tokugawa family's playground.

 Minami Takahashi and Tokufune Inari Shrine

There are also unique objects in the vicinity.