
“Harumi Passenger Terminal” begins with a 30-year history

 “Harumi Passenger Terminal” begins with a 30-year history

 The Harumi Passenger Terminal was established in 1991 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the opening of Tokyo Port as the gateway to the sea of Tokyo, where luxury cruise ships from Japan and overseas berth, but in addition to aging electrical equipment and water plumbing, the size of cruise ships in recent years has increased the number of cases where the Rainbow Bridge completed in 1993 has not been completed, so the Tokyo Metropolitan Odaiba. The museum closed on February 20 this year, and the inside and outside of the terminal building were closed off, but we received many voices who wanted to visit before dismantling, and for three days from March 19 to 21 The exterior (large staircase, harbor plaza, pick-up deck, etc.) is open.          The sailing ship "Nippon Maru" is anchored at Harumi Wharf, and a board marked "Goodbye Harumi Passenger Terminal 1991-2022" is set up in front of the large stairs, making it a photo spot.                                 Every May, to celebrate the opening anniversary of the opening of Tokyo Port, which opened as an international trading port on May 20, 1941, the “Tokyo Minato matsuri” was held with the Harumi Passenger Terminal as the main venue. It is a new place to remember, but it is the last opportunity to see the appearance of a triangular roof that has long been popular as a symbol of the bay area in Tokyo.