
2022 "Azalea Fuyu"

 2022 "Azalea Fuyu"

 In this season, when the greenery of the trees becomes darker day by day and the expression changes, you can especially feel the breath of nature on your skin, and you can feel the moisture and comfort of the greenery.    One of the protagonists of the season when the greenery of young leaves penetrates the eyes, azaleas, which have been selected as flowers of the ward, vividly color the planting of parks and streets.   The azaleas are planted everywhere in the Hamarikyu Onshi Garden, but the characteristic "round-cut tree-shaped" red azaleas on the shores of Oizumi attract attention. Azalea is a general term for evergreen / semi-evergreen / deciduous plants of the azalea family Azalea. It grows naturally in Japan, and counts about 50 species of shrubs to Odaka trees and wild species, and it is said that there are many cultivated species .                  Since ancient times, Waka·It is a plant that has been written in haiku, breeding has progressed, and has become popular. Major horticultural varieties include Kirishimatsu azalea (including walnut azalea), Ryukyu azalea, Hirado azalea, and great purple emperor. There are many varieties of Western azaleas commonly called Azalea.                  The etymology of azaleas is that (1) blooms one after another, (2) blooms like a cylinder, (2) Tsutsusaki (Tsutsusaki), (3) Tsutsurishi gel (Tsushimo), and (4) The appearance resembles a woman's nipple, with a tarsenchi (sticky stickiness) and a hand stick.                                In the petals of the azalea genus of the insecticide flower, there is a spotted nectar mark (nectar guide) indicating the location of the nectar, and the tip of the stamens and stamens bent in the direction of the nectar.