
"Tokyo Midtown Yaesu" is almost completed at Yaesu Exit

I'm Issa 123, who has been a correspondent since April. I hope we can deliver interesting and useful information.

The other day, I went to the Yaesu Exit of Tokyo Station. A high-rise building of "Tokyo Midtown Yaesu" is almost completed in front of the station. It is the tallest building in Yaesu, 45 floors above ground, 240m high, and has a clear light blue design, and features a "curtain wall" structure with glass on the front.

Because it faces Sotobori-dori St., which was the outer moat of Edo Castle, it seems to resemble ships and sails passing through waterways.

In front of the Yaesu Exit Station, a redevelopment plan is underway and three high-rise buildings are scheduled to be constructed. As the first step, a store on the first basement floor will open in September this year.

On the left side of "Tokyo Midtown Yaesu" in the photo is "Yanmar Tokyo Building", but this building was rebuilt and opened simultaneously in September.

I'm looking forward to the opening.


Brand Hotel & Elementary School

The upper floor of Tokyo Midtown Yaesu is the first luxury brand hotel in Japan, Bulgaria Hotel Tokyo, and the lower floor is the Joto Elementary School, which was located on the premises of this area.

Joto Elementary School is one of the oldest earthquake reconstruction elementary schools following Nihonbashi Joto Elementary School, founded in 1875, but it is said that it is Japan's first public elementary school to enter such a high-rise building.

Everything is nicknamed "Bulgari Elementary School" and it is a "specially recognized school" that can be commuted from outside the school district, so the lottery rate for new first-year students who wish to enter outside the ward in April this year was 13 times very popular.

Bus terminal Yaesu, Tokyo

"Tokyo Midtown Yaesu" is almost completed at the bus terminal Tokyo Yaesu Yaesu Exit

A huge bus terminal will be built in the basement of "Tokyo Midtown Yaesu" and two skyscrapers that can be built in the future.

Around Tokyo Station, JR Express Bus Taminal in front of the station and stops on routes that cannot be reached are scattered around the station, such as Sotobori-dori St. and Yaesu Street, but these platforms except JR are centralized in the underground bus terminal.

The official name will be "Bus Terminal Tokyo Yaesu" in March this year, and it will be partially opened in September.

The photo shows the current JR Express Bus Terminal in front of Yaesuguchi Station.