
"John Lennon Set" with "Flor de Cafe Tree Flower".

A cafe visited by John Lennon and Yoko Ono. It's just a short walk along Kiboricho Street with Kabukiza on your left.

In the summer of 1979, John and Yoko climbed this small staircase into a tree flower.

In the summer of 1979, John and Yoko climbed this small staircase into a tree flower.

On the front is a picture of John and Yoko's visit. Check the menu and take the stairs from the entrance on the first floor to the second floor. 

Lenon and Yoko, did you first appear in the store?

Lenon and Yoko, did you first appear in the store?

On the fourth day of the opening of the store (August 4, 1979), the bell of the door became a chilien, and Mrs. Yoko, a long skirt, came in first with a curly hair to the waist.

They sat facing the window near the entrance.

They sat facing the window near the entrance.

In the second table after entering the entrance, Mrs. Yoko was in the back chair and near the entrance where John Lennon could see the inside of the store. 

A calm restaurant with freshly brewed coffee

A calm restaurant with freshly brewed coffee

In the store where John Lennon's songs are played, there are stationery handwritten by two people.

What's the order for Lennon and Yoko?

What's the order for Lennon and Yoko?

John Lennon ordered Colombian coffee and Mrs. Yoko ordered Darjeeling tea and almond cookies.

The photo shows the "Lenon Set", a set of Colombian coffee and almond cookies. Coffee is a special dish using ground beans and copper kettles after the order is placed. It takes time, but you can enjoy that time as well.

Flower of "Flor de Cafe Tree Flower"

A beautiful flower welcomes you. 

Flower cup of "Flor de Cafe Tree Flower"

Beautiful flower cups that decorate the shelves. Just looking at it makes me feel better. 

Which cup can I meet next? 

Be sent off by the autograph

Be sent off by the autograph

John Lennon and Mrs. Yoko left the shop, hoping to spend some time wrapped in this fragrance.