"Tatsumi Sushi" is a hidden long-established, delicious and voluminous "Tatsumi Sushi"
Separated flyer sushi This is made by putting sashimi on a table so that it can be used as a snack for sake. Of course, you can eat it with Shari. The owner says that the motto is not to make customers think they have come to the store and have lost it. However, since I do it alone, it is impossible to go in a large number of people, and it is better to make a reservation for a limit of 15 people.
The owner's pride
This is Shari. You can eat it with your supper after drinking.
It's the season. The ingredients change depending on the season. The above set is 2,750 yen (excluding tax).
Tatsumi Sushi
2-6-5, Tsukiji, Chuo-ku
TEL 03-3543-6025