Monthly Nihonbashi February 2021 issue "Edo's Chemistry"
Introducing the achievements of Yoan Udagawa and Komin Kawamoto!

Sakura Yayo, who loves "Monthly Nihonbashi", but when I read the special articles up to now, the article that caught my eye was "Edo's Chemistry".

Yoan Udagawa and Komin Kawamoto, which were related to Nihonbashi at the end of the Edo period, laid the foundations of Japanese chemistry and contributed greatly to their development.

It is no exaggeration to say that Civilization and enlightenment went smoothly on the chemical front in the Meiji era thanks to these two people.

Chemistry should have been researched and developed so that humans can be used to enrich their lives, but in recent years it has been used as a chemical weapon and threatens the lives of humans.

We cannot help but return to the beginning of the Edo period, such as Yoan Udagawa and Komin Kawamoto, and hope for the development of chemistry that can be used useful to people.


"Shakumi," After that, the general name of "chemistry" was used by Komin!

It was Yukimin who used the word "chemistry" that we use today for the first time in Japan.

1860 1860 I applied for the publication of a chemical book called Manyu Chemistry.

It is judged to be a national secret, rejected after censorship, and cannot know the contents.

By translating "Chemical Shinsho", "Chemical Street", and "Chemical Reader", Yukimin unified and uses the word of chemistry.

There is a theory that it was devised by a missionary who came to Japan in 1854, and after being established in China, he entered Japan.

It is probable that Yukimin encountered the word "chemistry" through Chinese books from China.

At that time, Komin was a professor at Banchosho, which was set up as a window for incorporating Western civilization, and also examined newly purchased Chinese language.

At the end of the Tokugawa period, Komin's "Chemical Shinsho" was used as a textbook on chemical education at Kaiseisho [the successor of Banshocho].

The chemical name of "chemistry" was adopted in the educational system of Meiji's academic system.

As a result, "chemistry" gradually became established.

Achievement of Yoan Udagawa as the founder of chemistry born in Nihonbashi

Achievement of Yoan Udagawa as the founder of chemistry born in Nihonbashi Monthly Nihonbashi February 2021 issue "Edo Chemistry" Yoan Udagawa and Komin Kawamoto Introducing the achievements!

1798 In 1798, Yoan Udagawa was born in Nihonbashi Gofukumachi (Yaesu 1-chome, Nihonbashi 1-2-chome) as the eldest son of the Ogaki clan doctor (Edozume) Yuki Ezawa. At the age of 14, he was adopted by Genshin Udagawa, a medical teacher who studied by Ryoan's father.

At the age of 17 in 1814 Culture 11, Ryoan was 17 years old, he began to walk the path of Dutch studies while learning Dutch on the occasion of an interview with his father, Dutch trading post Dejima, who came to Edo for an audience.

Translating Western books to convey chemistry while studying visualizing invisible things!

I started translating and writing a lot of Western books with outstanding language skills.

Natural Sciences - I have been interested in plant and pharmacy since I was young.

〇 At the age of 19, he preached the coffee production area and utility, "Ge-Demox Kotsuhisetsu".

〇 1819 1819 1819 U.K. Epson salt (sulfurizednesium) A empirical contents of Magusugata salt produced in China

〇 1822 1822 Published "Bota Nikakei"

〇 1833 Published "Uegaku Keihara" in 1833

This is the first full-fledged botanical book in Japan, which scientifically handles plant structures and plant body components.

"The dialect is today's natural science, the plight is physics, and the secret is chemistry. Studying nature begins with natural science, which first observes and reveals its morphology and nature, followed by physics, which studies the growth and aging of plants, and finally investigates the elements that make up all things, and chemistry is to study the deepest part of nature, "says Ryoan.

〇 1837 1837 Published "Shamitsu Kaimune"

It was used as the best chemistry textbook until the Meiji era. He translated the theory of Lavo Ager, who was called the father of modern science, and added commentary by Ryoan.

〇 Chemical terms created by Ryoan

Names of elements "oxygen", "carbon", "iodine", "zinc" and "chlorine"

Sodium sulfate, hydrogen sulfide, potassium nitrate, carbon dioxide gas, ammonia


We devised terms that describe "dissolving", "saturation" and "crystals" chemical reactions.


Exchange with Siebold

1823 In 1823, Siebold, Germany, came to Dejima as a doctor with Dutch trading post.

〇 Ryoan is happy to send his own plant specimens and sketches to Siebold.

〇 1826 In 1826, we will meet in Nagasakiya Edo during an audience with General Dutch trading post. At the time of separation, Siebold presented a number of plant specimens from Ryoan, including natural science books, botanical books, and microscopes with a dedication to "To my friend of study." Siebold wrote that a large number of dry plants from Yoan Uda wrote, "The specimen was given to the high quality" in particular, "It was of good quality."

〇 The exchange with Ryoan in the publication of Siebold's "Japanese Botanical Magazine" has led to the widespread introduction of Japanese plants in Western Europe.


Research on hot spring efficacy at 40 locations nationwide over 16 years

I was ordered by Yabu Genshin to investigate the water quality of the hot spring.

We received water from hot springs and cold springs such as Iwo Jima in Atami and Satsuma, and analyzed the properties scientifically.

〇 First, they observed colors and odors, drank themselves to check the taste, measured the specific gravity using a floating scale, added chemicals and heat, and recorded the reaction in detail.

〇 The results are summarized in "Country Hot Spring Test Theory" and "Onsen Miscellaneous".

〇 The analysis items include color, specific gravity, and component components.

〇 It was classified into four types: acid spring, salt spring, sulfur spring, and iron spring, and the adaptation of hot springs was also specified.

The achievements of scientifically verifying the effects of hot springs, which had been legendary until then, were highly evaluated.

Komin Kawamoto, a Dutch scholar living in Nihonbashi, has solidified chemistry as an academic position!

Komin Kawamoto, a Dutch scholar living in Nihonbashi, has solidified chemistry as an academic position! Monthly Nihonbashi February 2021 issue "Edo Chemistry" Introducing the achievements of Yoan Udagawa and Komin Kawamoto!

1810 Born in 1810 in the house of a physician in the Mita clan of Settsu country (Mita City, Hyogo Prefecture). 1835 In 1835, he became a clan doctor in Edo.


Yukimin, who has a character that cannot be tried if he knows, is

〇 I'm inventing Japan's first match. 1948 It was a dangerous yellow phosphorus match that ignites just in the sun in 1848.

〇 1952 Successed in 1851 in Japan's first photographic silver plate optical painting.

A direct shooting mirror and a daguerreotype photographic description are included in the 1854 Ensei Kiseki 1854, which was written by Yukimin based on Dutch van del Bell's "primitive science" at a school for Satsuma domain Edozume clansman.

〇 Beer manufacturing

There was no literature record, and there was a legend that he gained a beer production method when he arrived at Perry, and built a furnace at his home in Hatchobori (Kayabacho) in 1853.

It may be natural that an unrivaled sake enthusiast Yukimin decided to try the basics of beer production theory described in "Chemical Shinsho", which translated the Dutch translation of German agronomist Schtechardt's "School of Chemistry".

Focus on teaching juniors at the Kaisei Center (later the University of Tokyo).

1865 In 1865, he became the first professor at the Kaisei Office, and decided to call Haramata, a Dutch teacher of physics and chemistry at the Analytical Prison attached to Nagasaki Seitokukan, to his school. Lectures at Kaisei Office were not realized.

Yukimin did not spare any effort to foster the younger generation without sticking to the previous way of learning and experimenting foreign languages on his own.

Yukimin's contribution to the history of Japanese science was not only chemistry as a research object, but also chemistry as academic discipline.

Now, we are able to have a common understanding concept of chemistry as a matter of course.

Thanks to my interest in everything, I was introduced to Japan to devise words other than chemistry and techniques such as steamships in Europe and the United States.

[Inventing words]

Time, Morning, Protein, Molecules, Waiting, Air, and Water Steam.

Light metals, glucose, urea, chemical changes, and weather.

[Technology in Europe and the United States] Introducing

Steamships, airships, refined sugar, salt production, telegraphs, mine excavation, and weapons.


1774 After Yoan Udagawa, who was born 24 years later, and Komin Kawamoto, who was born 36 years later, promoted not only Dutch studies but also Japanese chemistry.



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