Rose Garden in Autumn 2022
At the peak of dark and fragrant autumn roses, FANCL Ginza Square (Ginza 5) is holding "Sky Garden" full of freedom on the top floor of a 10-story building for 6 days from November 4th to 9th. Among the many flowers, roses, which have an attractive fragrance that distinguishes from other plants, are the leading role, and many fans are looking forward to it, and I hear that it is very popular every time. The theme this time is SDG's goal number 12, "Responsible for making and using." At the entrance of the venue, 17 ball objects representing the 17 goals of SDG's are displayed, reed cages are set up, and the design changes every time you turn the road. Roses are considered to be susceptible to pests and diseases, and it has been said that frequent drug spraying is indispensable, but this time a horticultural approach that approaches an environment where people and nature coexist richly has been proposed. In the middle, a two-horn bee hive, which is said to be difficult to breed, is displayed as a symbol of eco-friendly roses. Inside the venue, apricot nectar with clear apricot-colored round valve cup blooming `` La France '' with pale pink sword valve high core blooming `` Manu Ume Ian '' with dark pink semi-sword valve high core blooming `` Henry Fonda '' with deep yellow sword valve high core blooming `` Marry Fonda '' with gentle aromatic cup valves, etc. Each rose in full bloom in full bloom.