Aromi-no-watari, Chuo-ku, seen from "Edo Famous Zoukai"
"After the Kayabacho Makino family, I only chanted Funado to Koamicho from here. The old days are Oe. According to the proverb, during the Eisho era, during the conquest of Yoshiie Minamotono Asami Oshu, he traveled from here to Shimousa Kuni, sometimes blowing violent winds, soaking the wandering heavens, and already covering the ship, Take the territory of the Yoshiie Asami armor, throw it into the sea, Toge to Ryujin, and pray for the difficulties of the wind wave. "Omitted."
"Ami no Watari" "Edo Famous Zoukai" from the National Diet Library Digital Collection
The handing of armor
According to the Edo Famous Zoukai, the legend that Yoshiie Minamotono, heading for the conquest of Oshu during the Heian period, was hit by a storm here, casting a territory of armor into the sea and praying to Ryujin, is the origin of this place name. .
If you look at the picture, the Koamicho side on the opposite bank is lined with warehouses, but it is now a building street. I'm worried about the logo mark that represents the store name of the storehouse. A lot of kites are drawn on the picture. Is it a New Year's picture?
Stone wall
As you can see from this photo, an old stone wall is now left at the base of the armor bridge. When I used to get on a sightseeing boat on the Nihonbashi River, my guide said, "It's from the late Edo period." At least in 1872, the armor bridge was bridged, so the lower stone wall is considered quite old. Then, as you can see from the picture, the Nihonbashi River is slightly bent near the armor crossing, but even now I was able to check the business trip to Kayabacho side.
As you can see from the photo, there is a place where "artificial objects" are embedded in the stone wall. I can check the text, but I couldn't tell what it was written. (Photo: brown part) It's a half-hearted blog, but if you have any more information, please let us know.