2023 Colorful Azalea patchwork
The average temperature in Tokyo in March was 12.9 ° C, up 4.2 ° C compared to normal, the highest since we started collecting statistics in 1946. The Yoshino cherry tree also bloomed on March 14 and in full bloom on March 22. However, the azaleas, which have been chosen as the flower of the ward, have already vividly colored the planting of parks and streets. A "round-cut tree-shaped" azalea planted on the slope of Ishikawajima Park, located along the Sumida River school river from Chuo-ohashi Bridge to the south of Aioi Bridge, is white.·Pink·Red·Colorful flowers such as purple bloom all over the plant and look like a patchwork. Azalea is a general term for evergreen / semi-evergreen / deciduous plants of the azalea family Azalea. It grows naturally in Japan, and counts about 50 species of shrubs to Odaka trees and wild species, and it is said that there are many cultivated species . It has been an object of viewing since ancient times, and since ancient times, waka·It has been written in haiku, breeding has progressed, and it has become popular. In the petals of the azalea genus of the insecticide flower, there is a nectar mark (nectar guide) with a spotted leopard pattern indicating the location of the nectar, and the tip of the stamen and pistil bent in the direction of the nectar so that insects can come into contact. I am. Major horticultural varieties include Kirishimatsu azalea (including walnut azalea), Ryukyu azalea, Hirado azalea, and great purple emperor. There are many varieties of Western azaleas commonly called Azalea.