2023 bright orange color to color the summer under the scorching sun
Even after the rainy season on June 8, when it was sunny, it recorded a midsummer day exceeding 30 ° C, and the heat that could not be expected to be June continued every day. In July, it has been predicted that the temperature will be covered by high pressure from the middle of the month, the average temperature will be higher than normal, and that the heat may continue for a long time. In the Hamarikyu Onshi Garden, orange-red yabukan elephants with a color that makes you feel vitality are blooming in the scorching sun, around the middle gate. The ancestor of Yabukanzo (Yabu Kayakusa) is said to be a perennial herb of the family Lilyaceae, native to China (revised in the 4th edition of the APG system in 2016). It is said that it came to ancient times and appeared in Manyoshu as "Forgot grass", became wild, and spread throughout the country. All or part of the pistil and a part of the stamen are valveed, folded in multiple layers to present "double-flowered", counted as one of the flowers a day, but it is said that some flowers close after the next day, and in any case, many buds are attached and bloom one after another. It is said that it does not bear fruit in threefolds, grows underground stem and produces a foliage, and has a strong fertility. Nokanzo of the same genus is a small, six-petaled single bloom, and can be found on the shores of Yokobori in the park. In addition to the genus, Hamakan elephant, broad dwarf day lily, Yuusuge and Himekan elephant, various horticultural varieties are produced, and are called Hemelocalis or Day Lily. During the Tanabata season, bamboo grass is set up at the gates of Ote-mon gate and the middle of the garden, wish can be written and decorated on the colorful strips, a commemorative photo spot is set up, and garden happi coat and umbrella props are also available.