Tokyo Dumbo

KABOLOL plants in your life

On the first floor of KABUTO ONE, which stands at the Kabuto-cho intersection, from July 7th (Fri) to July 9th (Sun), a festival of plants where botanical artists entitled "KABOLO plants in your life" gather, Caboro Was being done.

Kaboro kabutocho botanical lounge is a festival where botanical artists gather under the theme of "Proposing people living in urban areas with plants."

I want to incorporate plants into my lifestyle even in the city, rather than just purchasing products lined up in stores, I want to select products that I know up to that background, and I want to tailor my own work under solid technical guidance. It is said that exhibitions, sales, and workshops are being held as hands-on plant events for such people.


In March 2019, at CAFE SALVADOR BUSINESS SALON, located on the first floor of the Tokyo Securities Hall in Kayabacho, I participated in the workshop of Feel The Garden.

 KABOLOL plants in your life

There are 12 organizations opening stores, with the largest number of moss terrariums and a variety of containers and cute mintutures, building a small world.

 KABOLOL plants in your life
 KABOLOL plants in your life

There was also a Mumin series, as well as Nyollo and Me.

 KABOLOL plants in your life

In addition to the moss terrarium, there was also an exhibition of bonsai.

 KABOLOL plants in your life

This KABOLO ended on July 9th, but as LIVING GREEN FES, a collaboration event with nearby shops will be held until July 30 as Life with Green in Kabuto-cho and Kayabacho. .