
2023 "Contrast between Red Flowers and Green Leaves" that color the cold season

 Color the 2023 Cold Season

 The red color of Tachikantsubaki (Tatsukan Tsubaki) is planted on the northwest side of Bairin, near the Ote-mon gate Service Center, on the Otei Yamakita side, and on the northeast side of Matsuno Ochiya.           Japanese camellia is evergreen of the camellia family camellia.         Regarding the etymology of camellia, (1) derived from the ancient word "Tsuba", which means glossy appearance, (2) the luster of leaves, (2) the righteousness of "Tsuyahaki", (3) the righteousness of Kotobuki leaf due to evergreenness It seems that there are various theories such as the righteousness of.           Japanese camellia, which is said to be a horticultural variety of camellia sasanqua (Yamachahana), is generally shrubs, but as the "standing" is attached, the varieties are characterized by extending upwards, and the highest in the garden is 4m.       The flowering time is from December to February, and the name is " camellia", but the flowers are flat, scattered one by one when it blooms, and it has the characteristics of camellia sasanqua that is different from the whole camellia that falls.                            Since December, it has been blooming for a long time over the years, and many wild birds, such as Japanese white-eye, come to the poultry flower, Tachikantsubaki. By the way, "Kan camellia" and "Winter camellia" are winter seasonal words, while "Hana camellia" is spring seasonal words.