
"Kannaka Bathing Tournament (Kannaka Misogi)" was held at Tepposu Inari Shrine and prayed to sound health.

On January 14, when there was the first snow on the eve, the annual cold bathing (Kannaka Misogi) was held at Tepposu Inari Shrine.

This year's 69th cold bathing tournament

This year's 69th cold bathing tournament was held at Tepposu Inari Shrine to pray for sound health.

 Tepposu Inari Shrine's Kannaka Misogi has been held on the second Sunday of January every year since 1955, and this is the 69th time. Men are loincloths, women wear white coats, wear headbands, and enter an aquarium with icicicles.

 The day before there was the first snow in Tokyo, and it was sunny but cold morning. No matter what it rains or snows, there is no cancellation. I'm glad it was fine for the time being.

 "Kannaka Bathing Tournament (Kannaka Misogi)" was held at Tepposu Inari Shrine and prayed to sound health.

 First, run around the shrine to warm your body. Then, after receiving Miyashi's exorcism, he received explanations from the conductor, such as `` Bird Ship '', which rows a boat with a turret with a shout, `` Yuzume '', which cuts the sky with two fingers and pays evil, and performs while examining the song . Receive the preparatory exercises and precautions and enter the aquarium in several parts.

 "Kannaka Bathing Tournament (Kannaka Misogi)" was held at Tepposu Inari Shrine and prayed to sound health.

 Divided into two sets, enter the aquarium alternately, and sing "Araido Ogami" while waving up and down with hands. The waiting group continues the "bird boat" around the aquarium. It seems that "bird boat" means that you row a boat and approach your own wishes, but it may also have the effect of moving your body and warming it.

 "Kannaka Bathing Tournament (Kannaka Misogi)" was held at Tepposu Inari Shrine and prayed to sound health.

 At the beginning, there was a greeting from the mayor and other guests, but the participants standing naked and listening are probably the coldest in such a case. I can't move.

 When I finally entered the aquarium, there was a voice of "wa" and "kya" from the front. The overflowing cold water rushed to the feet of the crowd tightly packed. All of them will be warm to escape to a little higher place. I've always been wet and cold since then.

 After the end, the bathing participants are steadily moving to nearby public bath Minato Yu. That's right, I want to warm up quickly. Thank you very much.