
"Yamato Takeru", a masterpiece of the birth of Super Kabuki 2-month performance Begins-Shimbashi Enbujo

On February 4, 1986 (1986), "Yamato Takeru", which set "Super Kabuki" as a new genre of the theater world (from the pamphlet), was premiered. The third generation Sarunosuke Ichikawa asked the philosopher Takeshi Umehara to write a script and created Yamato Takeru from "Records of ancient matters". After that, Super Kabuki by the two people, Oguri and Okuninushi, will continue.

The flashy surroundings, auctions and air rides, large stage equipment, glittering costumes and novel stages surprised the audience at the time and was absorbed in it. Since then, "Yamato Takeru", which has been performed several times instead of the actors who play, this time "Return to the beginning and draw a magnificent story carefully" (from the pamphlet). It's a double cast by Hayato Nakamura and Danko Ichikawa.

Today's Takeru is Hayato Nakamura. The two roles, the older brother Tachibana Hime and the younger brother Tachibana Hime, are Yonekichi Nakamura. It was near the flower path, so I took a close look at the gorgeous costumes. At the last "Tenshoru" Takeru's air ride, the feathers fell, and several nearby people were stretching their arms. The movement is so intense that this is also difficult to maintain the costume.

In March, Danko Ichikawa plays Takeru alone.

Super Kabuki "Yamato Takeru" Shimbashi Enbujo March 20 Chiakiraku (Please note that there are performances only on morning and afternoon)

11:00 in the afternoon and 16:30 in the evening show 

For inquiries, please contact Ticket Hon Shochiku 0570-000-489 (10-17) Ticket WEB Shochiku