
2024 Contrast between the blue leaves shining under the clear sky and the red and white flower color

 2024 Contrast between the blue leaves shining under the clear sky and the red and white flower color

 The dogwood and azaleas planted along the Harumi-dori St. in Higashizume, Kachidokibashi, are blooming, exposed to soft sunlight, and each red and white flower color contrasts with green leaves and shines under the clear sky.        dogwood is a deciduous Odaka tree of the dogwood family.             Originated in North America, Yukio Ozaki, the then mayor of Tokyo, presented Yoshino cherry tree seedlings to Washington D.C. in 1912, and was also known as the tree presented to Tokyo in 1915 in return.    The English name is dogwood, and one theory is that the bark broth was once used to treat dog skin diseases.    The flowers of dogwood look like yellow-green grains in the center, where they look like petals are total bracts (leaf at the base of the flower).         It is popular as a flowering tree with three beats every season, such as "flowers, (red leaves), leaves, and (colored) fruit", and seems to be used as a landscape tree and a symbol tree.     The flower appearance is similar to the neighboring Japanese dogwood of native species, but the flower season of dogwood is from April to May, with the tip of the bract dent and leaves coming out after the flower blooms, the flower season of Japanese dogwood is May to June, and the tip of the bract is sharp and the leaves come out at the same time.