
Flower of wabi-sabi-sabi

In the rain, white Wabisuke was quietly blooming. The modest appearance of blooming Inoguchi is always beautiful.

A camellia that is loved as a tea flower in ancient garden plants and potted plants.

Wabisuke, which blooms beautiful flowers in a long winter with few flowers, is very useful as a tea flower.

Due to its modest beauty, it is said that it is a flower that can be expressed by replacing the world of "wabi" and "sabi".

If you look at the flowers, your posture will naturally be corrected and you will feel better.

 Flower of wabi-sabi-sabi

◆Tengosan Enshoji Temple
 4-12-9, Tsukiji, Chuo-ku, Tokyo

Color of Waketsuki Tsukiji (December 2020)
The tip of the seven buds is colored (December 2019)
White camellia conservative beauty (December 2018)